Reading Time: 3 minutesMariah’s Senior Session in Historic Downtown Wilson, NC There are so many questions that come my way when it comes to senior sessions such as “how many outfits can I have” and “how many locations can I have?” Everyone has questions because it is every senior’s first go round at this. When Mariah shared that […]
Reading Time: 5 minutesAre Cap & Gown Sessions worth it? Hands down, YES! If you are thinking about having a cap & gown mini session or cap & gown session at all, DO IT! Whether you are reading this across the country or are local to where I am in Wilson, North Carolina, I hope this simple blog […]
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe Beginnings Nerves have never struck me as much as they did leading up to this surprise engagement session! But first, let me share a little history as to how this came about. Who would have thought a web search would have connected me to such a great experience! Alea’s mom made contact about 4 […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesThis fall senior session was one that kept me on my toes. Just when I think I have a groove for senior sessions, one like this pops up and causes me to think outside the box! Nathaly had such a creative idea to make her experience something a little unique! She threw the idea of […]
Reading Time: 3 minutesWOW what an early morning for Hannah’s senior session! But worth it? YES! Do some of my seniors opt for sessions outside of Wilson? From time to time, of course! We found little areas of downtown Raleigh that would normally be packed, but were truly a desert in the early Saturday morning! I am amazed […]